Top / sovereigntyの意味 / 文例
- 管理人ののみつけた文例
- Bolivia and the United States have made important progress in restoring their diplomatic relations through talks based on mutual respect of ''sovereignty'', Bolivian Communications Minister Ivan Canelas said here on Monday.(ボリビアと米国がお互いの主権を認め合う重要な関係改善^^)
2011/07/07 17:55投稿
- 管理人ののみつけた文例
- Greece faces severe restrictions on its ''sovereignty'' and must privatize state assets on a scale similar to the sell off of East German firms in the 1990s after communism fell, Eurogroup chairman Jean-Claude Juncker said. (ギリシアが財政面で国家的ピンチ!)
2011/07/07 17:51投稿
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2011/07/07 18:48投稿